Drought -- National Drought Mitigation Center


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Wilhite, D.A. and K. Morrow. 2016. The Implications of Climate Change for Nebraska: Summary Report of Sector-Based Roundtable Discussions. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.


Copyright 2015 University of Nebraska


Introduction ... iv

Roundtable Reports: Overview ... iv

Rural Nebraskans Poll: Summary of Key Outcomes on Climate Change ... vi

Summary of Roundtable Discussions ... 1

Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems and Wildlife in Nebraska ... 1

Implications of Climate Change on Human Health in Nebraska ... 11

Implications of Climate Change on Nebraska’s Forests and Fire ... 21

Implications of Climate Change on Nebraska’s Agriculture, Food and Water ... 27

Implications of Climate Change on Energy Availability, Use and Management in Nebraska ... 31

Climate Change in Nebraska: What Does it Mean for our Faith Communities? ... 35

Institutional Responses to Climate Change: Implications for College Campuses in Nebraska ... 41

Implications of Climate Change on Nebraska’s Urban and Rural Communities ... 45

Synthesis of Roundtable Reports and Cross-Cutting Themes ... 50
