Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of
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The University of Nebraska has developed an ultrawide- band (UWB) coherent random noise radar operating over the 1–2 GHz frequency range. The system achieves phase coherence by using heterodyne correlation of the received signal with a time-delayed frequency-shifted replica of the transmit waveform. Knowledge of the phase of the received signal and its time dependence due to target motion permits the extraction of the mean Doppler frequency from which the target speed can be inferred. Theoretical analysis, simulation studies, and laboratory measurements using a microwave delay line showed that it was possible to estimate the Doppler frequency from targets with linear as well as rotational motion. Field measurements using a photonic delay line demonstrated the success of this technique at a range of about 200 m at target speeds of up to 9 m/s. Analysis shows that the accuracy with which the Doppler frequency can be estimated depends not only on the phase performance of various components within the system, but also upon the random nature and bandwidth (BW) of the transmit waveform, and the characteristics of unsteady target motion.
Published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 48, NO. 6, JUNE 2000. Copyright © 2000 IEEE. Used by Permission.