Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


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Date of this Version



Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2013 IEEE Year: 2013


© 2013 IEEE


This paper proposes a new isolated, three-port, bidirectional, DC-DC converter for simultaneous power management of multiple energy sources. The proposed converter has the advantage of using the least number of switches and soft switching of the main switch, which is realized by using a LCL-resonant circuit. The converter is capable of interfacing sources of different voltage-current characteristics with an isolated load. In this paper, one photovoltaic (PV) panel, one rechargeable battery, and an isolated load are interfaced by the proposed converter. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed converter is capable of maximum power point tracking control for the PV panel when there is solar radiation and controlling the charge and discharge of the battery when there is surplus energy and power deficiency with respect to the load, respectively.
