Entomology, Department of
Document Type
Date of this Version
Journal of Economic Entomology 66:1 (February 1973), p. 299.
doi: 10.1093/jee/66.1.299
The army cutworm, Euxoa auxiliaris (Grote), is a frequent early spring pest of alfalfa in the western Plains States. Good control with endrin was reported by Burkhardt (1954), Pfadt (1955), and DePew (1959). Also, endosulfan appeared to give good control on alfalfa (Pfadt 1960) and on small grains (K. P. Pruess, 1959, University of Nebraska, Department of Entomology, unpublished report) but not on sugarbeets (DePew 1959). The purpose of the present study was to test some of the newer insecticides, particularly those that have been effective against other species of cutworms. Three tests were conducted at various locations in south-central and southwest Nebraska during the 3-year period 1968–70.
U.S. Government Work