"Conserving the Platte: A Documentary Short" by Steven Speicher

Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program


Date of this Version

Summer 2012

Document Type



With a history of litigation, deliberation, and conversation, the Platte River’s waters have been topic of much debate. In recent memory, historical decisions have been made regarding how to successfully manage this crucial water resource that sustains life in the Great Plains. The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, a federally mandated tri-state conservation organization, began after years of consideration and an adamancy to avoid major litigation battle. Audubon Society has been a major player in conservation of habitats and protecting endangered species; Audubon Society’s Rowe Sanctuary, in specific, has worked in a variety of community- centered ways to conserve the central Platte and wildlife from competing interests. With the federal listing of endangered species such as the Whooping Crane, Piper Plover, and Interior Least Tern, as well as the presence of migratory Sandhill Cranes, how has the Platte River’s waters and wetland habitat management been influenced? The author sought to explore this topic and, in the process, record interviews and shoot original footage to produce, write, and edit a documentary short. Here within is a DVD, the director’s intent, a synopsis of the project, the working video script, a personal reflection of the project, and a literature review of referenced materials.
