This series is administered by Paul Royster []. Persons wishing to deposit additional materials are encouraged to contact him.
A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588), Thomas Hariot and Paul Royster , editor
A Description of New England (1616): An Online Electronic Text Edition, John Smith , Captain & Admiral and Paul Royster , editor
New-England or A Briefe Enarration of the Ayre, Earth, Water, Fish and Fowles of That Country. With a Description of the Natures, Orders, Habits, and Religion of the Natives; in Latine and English Verse, William Morrell and Andrew Gaudio , editor
Gods Promise to His Plantation (1630), John Cotton and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
A True Relation of the Late Battell fought in New England, between the English, and the Salvages: With the present state of things there. (1637), Philip Vincent [P. Vincentius] and Paul Royster , editor
Newes from America; Or, A New and Experimentall Discoverie of New England; Containing, A Trve Relation of Their War-like Proceedings These Two Yeares Last Past, with a Figure of the Indian Fort, or Palizado, John Underhill and Paul Royster , editor
Milk for Babes. Drawn Out of the Breasts of Both Testaments. Chiefly, for the Spirituall Nourishment of Boston Babes in Either England: But May Be of Like Use for Any Children (1646), John Cotton B.D. and Paul Royster , editor
Samuel Danforth's Almanack Poems and Chronological Tables 1647-1649, Samuel Danforth and Paul Royster (transcriber & editor)
[The Case of Ann Hibbins, Executed for Witchcraft at Boston in 1656], William F. Poole, Justin Winsor, and Paul Royster (depositor)
The Christian Commonwealth: or,The Civil Policy Of The Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ. An Online Electronic Text Edition., John Eliot and Paul Royster (editor & depositor)
Relation of the Pequot Warres (1660), Lion Gardener and W. N. Chattin Carlton , editor
A Declaration of the Sad and Great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New-England, for the Worshipping of God (1661), Edward Burrough and Paul Royster , editor
God’s Controversy with New-England (1662, 1871), Michael Wigglesworth and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
An Astronomical Description of the Late Comet or Blazing Star; As it appeared in New-England in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and in the beginning of the 12th Moneth, 1664. Together with a Brief Theological Application thereof. (1665) An Online Electronic Text Edition., Samuel Danforth and Paul Royster (editor)
A Brief Recognition of New-Englands Errand into the Wilderness: An Online Electronic Text Edition, Samuel Danforth and Paul Royster (transcriber & editor)
A SERMON Preach’d at The Election of the Governour, AT BOSTON IN New-England May 19th 1669., John Davenport and Paul Royster , editor
A Brief Description of New-York: Formerly Called New-Netherlands (1670), Daniel Denton and Paul Royster , editor & depositor
The Life and Death of That Reverend Man of God, Richard Mather, Teacher of the Church in Dorchester in New-England. A facsimile Reprint with an introduction ..., Increase Mather, Benjamin Franklin V, and William K. Bottoroff
The Cry of Sodom Enquired Into; Upon Occasion of the Arraignment and Condemnation of Benjamin Goad, for His Prodigious Villany. (1674) An Online Electronic Text Edition., Samuel Danforth and Paul Royster , editor
A Relation of the Indian War, by Mr. Easton, of Rhode Island, 1675, John Easton and Paul Royster (editor)
A Brief History of the Warr with the Indians in New-England (1676): An Online Electronic Text Edition, Increase Mather and Paul Royster (editor)
An Earnest Exhortation To the Inhabitants of New-England (1676), Increase Mather and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
An Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing Drawn out of the Quiver of the Scriptures, Increase Mather
The Widdow Ranter, or, The History of Bacon in Virginia (1690), Aphra Behn and Paul Royster , editor
Old Mens TEARS For their own DECLENSIONS, Mixed with FEARS Of their and Posterities further falling off from New-England’s PRIMITIVE CONSTITUTION., Joshua Scottow and Paul Royster , editor
The Wonders of the Invisible World. Observations as Well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils (1693), Cotton Mather and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
A NARRATIVE Of The Planting of the Massachusets COLONY Anno 1628. With the LORDS Signal Presence the First Thirty YEARS. Also a Caution from New-Englands APOSTLE, the GREAT COTTON, How to Escape the Calamity, which might Befall them or their POSTERITY. And Confirmed by the EVANGELIST NORTON With Prognosticks from the FAMOUS Dr. OWEN. Concerning the Fate of these Churches, and Animadversions upon the Anger of God, in sending of Evil Angels among us. Published by Old Planters, the Authors of the Old Mens Tears., Joshua Scottow and Paul Royster (transcribed & edited by)
New Yorke Considered and Improved A.D. 1695, John Miller, Victor Hugo Paltsits, and Paul Royster (Depositor)
MASSACHUSETTS: or The first Planters of New-England, The End and Manner of their coming thither, and Abode there: In several EPISTLES (1696), John Winthrop; Thomas Dudley; John Allin; Thomas Shepard; John Cotton; Joshua Scottow; and Paul Royster, Editor of the Online Electronic Edition
Phaenomena quaedam Apocalyptica ad aspectum Novi Orbis configurata. Or, some few lines towards a description of the New Heaven (1697), Samuel Sewall and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial (1700), Samuel Sewall
A two Years Journal in New-York: And part of its Territories in America (1701), Charles Wolley A. M., Edward Gaylord Bourne, and Paul Royster (depositor)
The Negro Christianized. An Essay to Excite and Assist that Good Work, the Instruction of Negro-Servants in Christianity (1706), Cotton Mather and Paul Royster , editor
Theopolis Americana: An Essay on the Golden Street of the Holy City (1710), Cotton Mather and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The Threefold Paradise of Cotton Mather: An Edition of "Triparadisus", Reiner Smolinski
The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1734). An Online Electronic Edition., James Anderson A.M., Benjamin Franklin, and Paul Royster (editor & depositor)
A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to be both a Scriptural, and Rational Doctrine, Jonathan Edwards and Reiner Smolinski
A Brief History of the Pequot War (1736), John Mason and Paul Royster , editor
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741., Jonathan Edwards and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
Marvellous Things done by the right Hand and holy Arm of God in getting him the Victory (1745), Charles Chauncy and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
A Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How in 1745-1747, Nehemiah How and Victor Hugo Paltsits
A Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers: With some Reflections on the Resistance made to King Charles I. And on the Anniversary of his Death: In which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince's Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled (1750). An Online Electronic Text Edition., Jonathan Mayhew A.M., D.D. and Paul Royster , Editor & Depositor
De Bestiis Marinis, or, The Beasts of the Sea (1751), Georg Wilhelm Steller, Walter Miller (Translator), Jennie Emerson Miller (Translator), and Paul Royster (Transcriber and editor)
The Journal of Major George Washington (1754), George Washington and Paul Royster , editor
A short account of that part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, Anthony Benezet and Paul Royster , ed.
The Life and Spiritual Sufferings of That Faithful Servant of Christ Jane Hoskens, a Public Preacher among the People Called Quakers (1771), Jane Fenn Hoskens and Paul Royster , editor
Some Strictures upon the Sacred Story Recorded in the Book of Esther (1775), Oliver Noble M.A. and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
A Charge on the Rise of the American Empire (1776), William Henry Drayton and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
Liberty Further Extended: Or Free thoughts on the illegality of Slave-keeping; Wherein those arguments that are used in its vindication are plainly confuted. Together with an humble Address to such as are concerned in the practice., Lemuel Haynes and Paul Royster , ed.
The Church’s Flight into the Wilderness: An Address on the Times, containing Some very interesting and important Observations on Scripture Prophecies (1776), Samuel Sherwood A. M. and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
God Arising and Pleading His People’s Cause ; or The American War in Favor of Liberty, Against the Measures and Arms of Great Britain, Shewn to Be the Cause of God (1777), Abraham Keteltas and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor (1783), Ezra Stiles D.D. and Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucke (1784) : An Online Electronic Text Edition, John Filson and Paul Royster (Editor)
An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York (1787), Jupiter Hammon and Paul Royster (editor)
The Conspiracy of Kings; A Poem: Addressed to the Inhabitants of Europe, from Another Quarter of the World., Joel Barlow and John D. Baird
The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johonnet, of Massachusetts (1793), Jackson Johonnet and Paul Royster , editor
The Nature and Importance of True Republicanism with a Few Suggestions Favorable to Independence: A Discourse, Delivered at Rutland, (Vermont,) the Fourth of July, 1801. — It Being the 25th Anniversary of American Independence., Lemuel Haynes and Paul Royster , ed.
An Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade; Delivered in the African Church in the City of New-York, January 1, 1808, Peter Williams Jr. and Paul Royster (Editor)
The Life and Surprising Adventures of Mary Ann Talbot, in the Name of John Taylor (1809), Mary Ann Talbot and Paul Royster (transcribed and edited by)
Memoir of Joshua Scottow (1816), "Sigma" (pseudonym) and Paul Royster (transcribed and deposited by)
Particulars of the Capture of the Spanish Ship Tryal, at the island of St. Maria; with the Documents relating to that affair., Amasa Delano and Paul Royster, ed.
A Discourse, Delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820. In Commemoration of the First Settlement of New-England., Daniel Webster and Paul Royster , ed.
A Knickerbocker tour of New York State, 1822: "Our Travels, Statistical, Geographical, Mineorological, Geological, Historical, Political and Quizzical"; Written by Myself XYZ etc., Johnston Verplanck and Louis Leonard Tucker , editor
Notes Geographical and Historical, relating to the Town of Brooklyn, in Kings County on Long-Island. (1824) An Online Electronic Text Edition., Gabriel Furman and Paul Royster (transcriber & depositor)
David Cusick’s Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations (1828), David Cusick and Paul Royster (editor & depositor)
Walker’s Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, … (Boston, 1830), David Walker and Paul Royster , editor & depositor
The Confessions of Nat Turner (1831), Thomas R. Gray, Nat Turner, and Paul Royster (Depositor)
Appeal to the Wealthy of the Land, Ladies as Well as Gentlemen, on the Character, Conduct, Situation, and Prospects of Those Whose Sole Dependence for Subsistence Is on the Labour of Their Hands (1833), Mathew Carey and Paul Royster (transcriber & depositor)
An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, Lydia Maria Child and Paul Royster (editor)
Eulogy on King Philip, William Apess and Paul Royster (ed.)
A Synopsis of the Indian Tribes Within the United States East of the Rocky Mountains, and in the British and Russian Possessions in North America, Albert Gallatin
Letters on North America (Lettres sur l’Amérique du Nord): A New Complete Translation, Michel Chevalier, Steven Rowan, and Carlos A. Schwantes
History of the Captivity and Providential Release Therefrom of Mrs. Caroline Harris, Caroline Harris
History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. Volume I., Thomas L. M'Kenney and James Hall Esq.
History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. Volume II., Thomas L. M'Kenney and James Hall Esq
Narrative of the Captivity and Extreme Sufferings of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer, Clarissa Plummer
Strauss’s Life of Jesus, Theodore Parker and Paul Royster (depositor)
Primitive Christianity, Theodore Parker and Paul Royster (annotator)
History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. Volume III., Thomas L. M'Kenney and James Hall
Address Delivered before the Queens County Agricultural Society, at Its Third Anniversary, at Jamaica, Thursday, October 10th, 1844, Gabriel Furman
"Introduction" and "Notes" to 1845 Gowans edition of Daniel Denton's A Brief Description of New-York (1670), Gabriel Furman, Daniel Denton, and Paul Royster (Transcriber & Depositor)
Peace with Mexico, Albert Gallatin
An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America, Henry Highland Garnet
The Past and the Present Condition, and the Destiny, of the Colored Race (1848), Henry Highland Garnet and Paul Royster (edited by)
LABOR: ITS HISTORY AND ITS PROSPECTS [1848], Robert Dale Owen and Paul Royster (edited by)
A Lecture on the Railroad to the Pacific [1850], Calvin Colton and Paul Royster (editor)
The Heroic Slave, Frederick Douglass
Dissent in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856), John McLean
Two Biographical Sketches of Gabriel Furman, The Faust Club of Brooklyn, William Gowans, and Paul Royster (transcriber & depositor)
An Address on Success in Business (1867), Horace Greeley and Paul Royster (depositor)
The Gentleman’s Companion. New York City. In 1870, Anonymous and Paul Royster (depositor)
A Speech on The Principles of Social Freedom, delivered in Steinway Hall, Monday, Nov. 20, 1871, Victoria C. Woodhull
Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, Fanny Kelly
The Perfectionists of Oneida and Wallingford, Charles Nordhoff and Paul Royster (Depositor)
Sketch of the Life and Writings of John Davenport, Franklin B. Dexter
John Marr and Other Sailors: An Online Electronic ‘Facsimile’ Text of the First Edition (1888), Herman Melville and Paul Royster (editor & depositor)
Timoleon, Etc.: An online electronic text of the first edition (1891), Herman Melville and Paul Royster (editor & depositor)
A REVIEW Of the Cattle Business in Johnson County, Wyoming SINCE 1882 And the Causes that Led to the Recent Invasion, Oscar H. "Jack" Flagg
The Heaven of the Bible, Ida C. Craddock and Paul Royster , Editor
Early New England Catechisms, Wilberforce Eames
Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa-Tha (Omaha City), Fannie Reed Giffen, Susette La Flesche Tibbles, and Judi M. gaiashkibos
Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic, Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Albert Herter
The Wedding Night, Ida C. Craddock and Paul Royster , editor
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, Henry Adams and Ralph Adams Cram
Modern Methods of Book Composition, Theodore Low De Vinne
Italian Villas and their Gardens, Edith Wharton and Maxfield Parrish
Sketch of Joshua Scottow, with his Petition to the General Court of Massachusetts (1906), Henry Herbert Edes and Paul Royster (transcribed and deposited by)
1609-1909. The Dutch in New Netherland and the United States
Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England 1628-1651, Edward Johnson and J. Franklin Jameson
Connecticut Soldiers in the Pequot War of 1637 (1913), James Shepard
Royster's Almanac in the Year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, F.S. Royster Guano Company
America's Mission to Serve Humanity: (Wilson a Prophet, in a Line of Prophets), Frank Moss
Memoirs of the Foreign Legion, Maurice Magnus and D.H. Lawrence
Color, Countee Cullen
Increase Mather: The Foremost American Puritan, Kenneth B. Murdock
Caroling Dusk: An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, Countee Cullen , editor
The Ballad of the Brown Girl: An Old Tale Retold, Countee Cullen and Charles Cullen
CO=GE=WE=A: The Half–Blood. A Depiction of the Great Montana Cattle Range, Hum-Ishu-Ma "Mourning Dove", Christine Quintasket, and Susan Kalter (ed.)
A History of the Churches of Christ in Morgan County Kentucky, Luke Bolin
The Records of the First Church in Boston 1630-1868, volume 1, Richard D. Pierce , editor
America's First Negro Poet: The Complete Works of Jupiter Hammon of Long Island, Jupiter Hammon, Stanley Austin Ransom Jr, Oscar Wegelin, and Vernon Loggins
The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory: The Millennial Impulse in Early American Literature: General Introduction, Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The Kingdom, The Power, & The Glory: The Millennial Impulse in Early American Literature -- Questions for Discussions, Research, and Writing, Reiner Smolinski , Editor
The Five Editions of Old Mens Tears, Paul Royster
Electronic Texts in American Studies, Paul Royster