"An Address on Success in Business (1867)" by Horace Greeley and Paul Royster (depositor)

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Paul Royster

Document Type

Archival Material

Date of this Version



Delivered before the Students of Packard's Bryant & Stratton New York Business College, November 11, 1867.

"Young men, I would have you believe that success in life is within the reach of everyone who will truly and nobly seek it— that there is scope for all—that the universe is not bankrupt—that there is abundance of work for those who are wise enough to look for it where it is—and that, with sound morality and a careful adaptation of means to ends, there is in this land of ours larger opportunities, more just and well grounded hopes, than in any other land whereon the sun ever shone. There is work for all; and this great country, whereof we are citizens, is destined, in spite of her temporary embarrassments, to bound forward on a career of prosperous activity such as the world has not known. That you may be a part of that movement—that you may help to inspire it—is my hope; and I trust that the few hints I have given you tonight may be of some value in guiding you in the right course."

Includes sketches or remarks on Stephen Girard, John Jacob Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, A. T. Stewart, "Billy Gray," and others.

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