"Marvellous Things done by the right Hand and holy Arm of God in gettin" by Charles Chauncy and Reiner Smolinski , Editor

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Archival Material

Date of this Version



The introduction and text were published in The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory: The Millennial Impulse in Early American Literature (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt, 1998), pp. 300-312. Copyright © 1998 Reiner Smolinski.


This sermon demonstrates that Charles Chauncy was not beyond preaching on the more mundane subjects of the period. His 1745 thanksgiving sermon Marvellous Things done by the right Hand and holy Arm of God in getting him the Victory (courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society) was preached on the occasion of the British victory at Louisbourg, Cape Breton Island (1745), over superior French forces. Chauncy traces God’s providential hand in the war with French Canada and describes how God’s interposition is clearly visible in the miraculous appearance of a British supply ship, in the capture of a French man-of-war, in the unfailing marksmanship of English cannons at the siege of Louisbourg, and in the fair weather collaborating in this important victory of the Protestant cause over the Catholic Antichrist.
