Extension Wildlife & Fisheries Specialists Conferences


Date of this Version

June 1996

Document Type



Published in W. Daniel Edge, ed. Proceedings of the 8th National Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists Workshop: Educational Challenges for the 21st Century. [1996] Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University, 1998.


Because of a health-related problem, Dr. Otto was unable to attend the workshop; therefore, an overview of his suggested comments was presented by Jim Miller as follows:

Our expectations for this Eighth National Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists Workshop are that it will provide an opportunity for the professionals in attendance to assess current programs and capabilities; address changing audiences and their need for educational programs; evaluate changes in the land grant university system and in their agency; and proactively make needed changes to ensure that their educational programs continue to be relevant to Society's needs now and in the future. Among these expectations, of course, are that this workshop will serve a part of the requirement for continuing education that all of us need periodically. On behalf of USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service and particularly our Natural Resources and Environment Unit (NREU), we congratulate your Planning Committee, your hosts John Munn and Dan Edge, and those of you participating for developing what appears to be an outstanding array of presentations, workshop activities, and programs. Your invited guests include some outstanding professionals I have had the pleasure of working with and a number of others I haven't met but have heard nothing but positive feedback about. I regret not being able to attend but certainly extend my best wishes for a successful workshop and hope possibly to be able to attend your ninth workshop.
