"NF526 Spring Millers" by Ronald C. Seymour and Gary L. Hein

Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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© 2002, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


Biology, migration, and management of spring millers.

Millers can be abundant in and around homes each year, especially in May and early June. At this time of year, the moths are most likely the adult stage of the army cutworm, a common pest of wheat and alfalfa.

When millers emerge and begin to move westward in the spring, area residents have little recourse but to patiently await their departure. There are a few tactics, however, that can help lessen moth activity in and around homes:

Keep outside lighting to a minimum. These night-flying moths are attracted to lights. A porch light, inadvertently left on, can attract hundreds or even thousands of these pests.

Where lighting is necessary, use yellow light bulbs. Yellow light will not attract as many moths because insects do not sense this color very well.

Seal cracks and crevices with caulking. Place weather stripping around doors and windows. Repair all screens in windows, doors, attic vents, etc.

Consider using a landscape that minimizes flowering plants and dense vegetation near houses.
