"EC84-1757 Who's Who in Great Plains Songbirds" by Ron J. Johnson

Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



© 1984, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


Habitat is where wildlife live. It contains all things needed for survival, such as shelter, food, water, and space. There are different types of habitat, each supporting different kinds of wildlife. Examples of habitat types include woodlands or areas with trees, grasslands, old fields, brushy areas, or wetlands.

This publication describes several favorite birds and includes information on their special habitat needs, unique characteristics, nesting sites, where they are found, and their habits or behavior. If you want to help the feathered wildlife described in this publication - or just about any wildlife for that matter - think habitat. You can provide habitat in your backyard, on your farm or ranch, or by community effort in a nearby park or vacant area.
