Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



E.C. 73 - 956


Copyright © 1973 University of Nebraska


Casserole dishes can add interest to everyday meals. They can be easy to make and serve. Usually they provide part of the protein in the form of meat, poultry, eggs, fish or cheese that is needed every day. Some casserole dishes are more economical than others. Those extended with bread or cereal foods are among the thriftiest choices. Money saving ideas for casserole dishes include: 1. Use of less tender cuts of meat made tender by cooking slowly with moisture, or by grinding, cubing, pounding and scoring. 2. Use of leftovers. 3. Grocery shopping on bargain days. 4. Use of foods in season. You can save time with casserole dishes by preparing more than is needed for one meal. Use some, cool the rest quickly and freeze for later use. Casserole dishes hold well for latecomers, and can be baked and served in the same dish. For successful casseroles: 1. Keep food in pieces which you can identify. 2. Layer ingredients occasionally instead of combining them. 3. Provide contrast in flavor, color and texture. 4. Use canned soups, dry soup and sauce mixes for quick sauces. 5. Use herbs and spices imaginatively. Serve in handsome copper, porcelain, stainless steel, glass, enameled iron or other oven-proof materials.
