Extension, Cooperative


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© 2004, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


In this series of four articles, information will be provided from the Family Violence Prevention Fund, the Nebraska and Kansas Coalitions Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, K-State Research and Extension, Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and many other research-based sources. You will learn more about how you can help a woman who is being abused, how you can offer support to children in abusive situations, how you may approach potential abusers, how to access resources, steps that can be taken in the workplace to help end domestic violence, what to teach children about partner abuse, how to raise community awareness, and how you can be an advocate for family well-being and for the prevention of domestic violence. In 90-95% of domestic violence cases, the abused person is female; therefore, the abused person will be referred to as a female in this series. Some resources, such as outreach services, are available to men who are abused but they often are limited. Any abused person, regardless of gender or individual circumstance, must be persistent is asking for help. In these articles, the terms domestic violence and partner abuse are used interchangeably.
