Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



University of Nebraska Extension, 1991


Copyright 1991, the authors. Used by permission


Choice of crops, weed control, and other cultural practices for successful doublecropping are discussed here. Multiple cropping refers to growing two crops on the same field during the same year. One method of multiple cropping is doublecropping, which is when one crop is grown after the first crop is harvested. Prime USA regions for doublecropping are the eastern cornbelt, and southeastern and south central states where relatively long growing seasons and abundant rainfall occur. By contrast, shorter growing seasons and less frequent rainfall limit the potential for doublecropping in Nebraska. Irrigation is essential for successful doublecropping in Nebraska. Without irrigation, it's better not to attempt doublecropping if June has been dry and subsoil moisture is depleted. Adequate rainfall during the first three weeks after planting is especially critical. If rainfall is adequate for seedling establishment and rapid root development, then subsoil moisture may meet the needs of moderate to deep-rooted crops. Shallower rooted crops require more frequent rainfall. In traditional doublecrop regions, the crop sequence is usually winter wheat harvested for grain followed by no-till planting soybean into the stubble. Modifications of that system will likely be needed, at least in parts of Nebraska.
