Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

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4th International Galliformes Symposium (October 14-21, 2007 : Gengdu, Sichuan, China): Abstracts

World Pheasant Association, 2007


Copyright 2007, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission



Scientific programme committee chairman's introduction, Stephen J. Browne

Conserving Asia's Galliformes: Progress and challenges, Philip J. K. McGowan

An introduction to research and conservation of China's Galliformes, Zhang Zhengwang and Zheng Guangmei

China talks: session 1

Conservation hotspots and gap analysis of Galliformes in China, Ding Changqing, Zhang Cheng’an and Philip J. K. McGowan

Roosting behavoiur of buff-throated partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii, Xu Yu, Ran Jianghong, Zhou Xin, Yang Nan, Yue Bisong, and Wang Ying

A study of the genetic structure and molecular phylogeography of the Tibetan snowcock Tetraogallus tibetanus in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, An Bei, Zhang Lixun, Ruan Luzhang, Song Sen, and Liu Naifa

An introduction to research on Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti in captivity, Zhang Yanyun and Zheng Guangmei

China talks: Session 2

Occurrence pattern of Elliot' s pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in fragmented habitats, Ding Ping, Zheng Jiawen, Jiang Pingping, Xia Guirong, and Xu Xiaojiang

Estimation of home range of the Reeves's pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii: Comparing and selecting models based on information-theoretic approach, Wang Yong, Xu Liliang, Zhang Zhengwang, Zheng Guangmei, and John Carpenter

Galliformes in Wuyi Shan national Natural Reserve, Jiangxi, China, Sun Yue, Dong Lu, Cheng Songlin, Zhong Yilin, Liang Wei, and Zhang Yanyun

Feeding behavior of Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan, southern Gansu, China, Wang Jie, Fang Yun, Siegfried Klaus, and Sun Yuehua

Conservation of pheasants and other birds by sacred groves in Daocheng County, Sichuan Province, China, Wang Nan

Long-term WPA Studies


WPA's approach to conserving Galliformes, John P. Carroll and Peter J. Garson

Partridges, pandas and people: Forest conservation and community development in southern Sichuan, China, Simon D. Dowell, Dai Bo, and Roger Wilkinson

Tragopans, dilemmas and other horned creatures: Why should communities care? Malika Virdi

WPA's Pipar Pheasant Reserve in Nepal: A review of recent developments, Suman Sharma, Peter J. Garson, Philip J. K. McGowan, and Paras B. Singh

Conservation Breeding


Captive Galliformes in European zoos: Present and future, Alain Hennache

Conservation breeding strategy for western Himalayan pheasants in Himachal Pradesh, India, Lalit Mohan

Conservation breeding of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi at Blossom, Chail Pheasantry, Himachal Pradesh, India, Sat Pal Dhiman

Conservation breeding of western tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus at Sarahan Pheasantry, Himachal Pradesh, India, Alam Singh Chauhan

Husbandry and management of the mountain peacock-pheasant Polyplectron inopiatum in Zoo Negara, Malaysia, Doreen Khoo and Mohd. Ngah

Past and present re-introductions of pheasants in Malaysia, Hasdi Hassan @ Asang and Siti Hawa Yatim


An investigation of the breeding performance of a captive chukar partridge Alectoris chukar flock, Alper Yılmaz and Cafer Tepeli

Status of pheasants in Indian zoos: A case study of Delhi Zoo, Abdul J. Urfi

Captive breeding of pheasant at Wildlife Conservation Centre Sungkai, Perak, Malaysia, Asa’far Nizam Bin Asa’ari

A study of reintroducted Hume's pheasant Syrmaticue humiae, Chen Weicai and Li Huanhua

Species Ecology


Home range, daily movement and site fidelity of male Reeves's pheasant Syrmaticue reevesii at a managed reserve in the Dabie Mountains, central China, Xu Jiliang, Zhang Xiaohui, Sun Quanhui, Zhang Zhengwang, Zheng Guangmei, and Wang Yong

Autumn territoriality and movements of Chinese grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China, Siegfried Klaus, Sun Yuehua, and Fang Yun

Roost-site selection of Lady Amherst's pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae, Kang Mingjiang and Zheng Guangmei

Breeding habitat selection of sympatric Temminck' s tragopan Tragopan temminckii and blood pheasant Ithaginis cruentus, Cui Peng and Deng Wenhong

Roost-site selection and roosting behavior of Temminck's tragopan Tragopan temminckii in Laojunshan National Natural Reserve, Sichuan, China, Cong Peihao and Zheng Guangmei

Nesting and reproductive behaviour of Siamese fireback Lophura diardi and silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera at Khao Yai national Park, Thailand, Tommaso Savini and Niti Sukumal


Diet and habitat use during the early breeding season of Reeves's pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii in Henan, central China, Liu Yang, Sun Di, Dong Lu, and Zhang Zhengwang

Possible subspecies differentiation of Collard Hill-partridge Arborophila gingica and consequences for its conservation, Zhou Fang and Jiang Aiwu

Incubation patterns of male and female northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus, Gretchen Turner, Jonathan S. Burnam, Seth P. Stapleton, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll

Progress of studies on Sichuan hill-partridge Arborophila rufipectus, China, Dai Bo and Feng Shenglin

Characterisation of the diets of three quail species in the State of Mexico, Mexico, Alejandra Barrios Tavares, Maria Carolina Vázquez Guadarrama, Salvador Ibarra Zimbrón, Arturo García Álvarez, Manuel González Ronquillo, Germán David Mendoza, and David García Solórzano

Conservation of the critically endangered Djibouti francolin Francolinus ochropectus and its habitat, the Fôret du Day, Djibouti, Clive Bealey, Houssein Rayaleh, Philip J. K. McGowan, and Henry Ford

Observations on the common pheasant Phasianus colchicus in the Alazani River valley, Republic of Georgia, Johh P. Carroll, Brant C. Faircloth, and Revaz Machaidze

Unusual nesting behaviour of the Indian peafowl Pavo cristatus, Samar Singh

Country and Regional Overviews


The native partridges of Turkey, Alper Yılmaz and Cafer Tepeli

Distribution and status of Galliformes in the United Arab Emirates, Shahid Bashir Khan, Salim Javed, and Junid Nazeer Shah

Monitoring of pheasants of Pakistan: What is the future for Paksitan's Galliformes? Rab Nawaz


Status and distribution of threatened Galliformes in Cambodia, Chhum Samnang, Stephen J. Browne, and Sak Ousaphea

Historical development of the Indian subcontinent's protected area network, and its relevance to conservation of the Galliformes, Natalie E. Clark, Elizabeth H. Boakes, Richard A. Fuller, Philip J. K. McGowan, and Georgina Mace

Galliform conservation in Nepal, Hem Sagar Baral

Distribution of Galliformes in Sichuan, China, Ran Jianghong, Li Feng, and Du Beibei

Galliformes Reintroduction


Conservation breeding of Endangered pheasant species, with particular reference to possible reintroduction projects, John Corder

The Galliformes reintroduction guidelines, Philp J. K. McGowan

Conservation research and strategy


Re-introductions, translocations and benign introductions: Potential tools in galliform conservation, Myles Lamont

Guidelines on how to rear and release grey partridges Perdix perdix for population recovery programmes, Francis D. Buner, Stephen J. Browne, and Nicholas J. Aebischer

Global commonalities in agroecosystem management: Implications for the management of the Galliformes, Jeffrey J. Thompson and John P. Carroll

Can sexual selection drive female life histories? A comparative study on galliform birds, Nic Kolm, R. Will Stein, Arne O. Mooers, Jan J. Verspoor, and Emma J. A. Cunningham

Post earthquake relief and environmental rehabilitation in the Palas Valley, Pakistan, Mohammad Hanif

How well is the Palawan peacock pheasant Polyplectron emphanum and other key species covered by protected areas? Neil A. D. Mallari and Stuart Marsden


Responses of Galliformes to anthropogenic pressures at Bedini-Ali, Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Uttaranchal, India: Abundance, distribution and habitat use, T. Bhattacharya , S. Sathyakumar, and G. S. Rawat


Understanding the geographical range decline of the Galliformes, Elizabeth H. Boakes, Richard A. Fuller, Philip J. K. McGowan, and Georgina Mace

Spring call count of some Galliformes in Pipar Pheasant Reserve and the adjoining Santel Area in Annapurna region in central Nepal, Laxman P. Poudyal, Naveen K. Mahato, Paras B. Singh, Poorneswar Subedi, Philip J. K. McGowan, and Hem S. Baral

Landscape analysis of habitat and occurrence probability of western tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus, Krishnamurthy Ramesh, Philip J.K. McGowan, and Qamar Qureshi

The distribution and abundance of green peafowl Pavo muticus in Thailand, Wina Meckvichai, Suthatipong Asirapoj, Sawai Wonghongsa, and Chatchawan Pitdamkham

Characterisation of the Congo peafowl's Afropavo congensis microhabitats in Salonga National Park, Congo, Mulotwa Masumbuko, Michel Louette, Dudu Akaibe, Upoki Agenong'a, and Richard A. Fuller

Home range analysis of Siamese fireback Lophura diardi and silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, Niti Sukumal and Tommaso Savini


Survey of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi around Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, western Nepal, Paras B. Singh, Laxman P. Poudyal, Suman Sharma, Peter J. Garson, and Hem S. Baral

Study of vegetation and grazing impact on pheasants of pipar in Annapurna Conservation Area, central Nepal, Laxman P. Poudyal, Philip J. K. McGowan, Hem S. Baral, and Paras B. Singh

Northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus habitat use on altered grasslands in Florida, U.S.A., James A. Martin, William E. Palmer, Tommy C. Hines, and John P. Carroll

Assessing the status of the western tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus in Palas Valley, Pakistan, Francis D. Buner

The status of the distribution of the green peafowl Pavo muticus in Yunnan Province, Han Lianxian, Liu Yueqiang, and Han Seng

The abundance and habitat use of green peafowl Pavo muticus in Shuangbai Konglonghe Nature Reserve, China, Liu Yueqiang, Han Lianxian, Xie Yichang, Wen Yunyan, and Zhang Rengong

The abundance of four galliform species in Sichuan Laojunshan Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China, Lu Gang, David Lee, Yang Jie, Philip J. K. McGowan, Ran Jianghong, and Yue Bisong

The abundance of four galliform species in Mamize Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China, Li Rengui, David Lee, Zhang Xiulei, Philip J. K. McGowan, Ran Jianghong, and Yue Bisong

Genetic and Phylogenetic Studies


Genetic diversity and population expansion in green junglefowl Gallus varius in Indonesia, Sri Sulandari, Victor Mobegi, M. Syamsul Arifin Zein, Zhao Shengguo, Olivier Hanotte, and Han Jianlin

Genetic population structure and subspecies relationship of the northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus in the United States, Soo Hyung Eo, C. Joseph Nairn, and John P. Carroll

Relatedness within and among northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus coveys measured using nuclear DNA loci: A preliminary assessment, Brant C. Faircloth, Theron M. Terhune, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll

Introgression, allele frequency, and gene flow following translocation of northern bobwhites Colinus virginianus in an isolated, fragmented habitat: A preliminary assessment, Theron M. Terhune, Brant C. Faircloth, D. Clay Sisson, William E. Palmer, H. Lee Stribling, and John P. Carroll

Conservation of red junglefowl Gallus gallus in India: A collaborative research initiative, M. Fernandes, Mukesh, S. Sathyakumar, Rahul Kaul, R.S. Kalsi, and D. Sharma

Population genetic structure of the ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus strauchi based on mitochondrial DNA control-region sequences, Zhang Jiao, Yang Zhisong, and Liu Naifa


A species-level phylogenetic hypothesis for the Phasianidae, R. Will Stein and Arne Ø. Mooers

Genetic diversity and differentiation of geographic populations of Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti, Zhang Jie and Zhang Yanyun

Phylogeographic structure of Przevalski' s partridge Alectoris magna based on mitochondrial cytochrome b and control region, Yang Zhisong, Yu Hongli, Jin Yuanting, Chao Shengyu, and Liu Naifa

The effects of introgressive hybridization on population genetic diversity of Przevalski' s partridge Alectoris magna in northwestern China, Liu Naifa and Huang Zuhao

Ecological genetics of Przevalski' s partridge Alectoris magna: Environmental factors and population genetic variability correlations, Huang Zuhao and Liu Naifa

Phylogeny of some galliform species in China, Wen Longying, Gong Jiawen, and Liu Naifa

Genetic diversity of ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus in eastern China based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, Liu Ying, Zhan Xiang-Jiang, Chang Jiang, Wang Ning, Wang Biao, and Zhang Zhengwang

A pilot study of the population genetics of brown eared-pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum in the Luliang Mountains, Chang Jiang, Wu Aiping, and Zhang Zhengwang

Phylogenetic position of the genus Tetraophasis as inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, Meng Yang, Dai Bo, Ran Jianghong, Li Jing, Yue Bisong

Polymorphic microsatellites developed by cross-species amplifications in buff-throated partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii, Zhou Xin, Xu Yu, Ran Jianghong, Yue Bisong, Cao Lusha. and Li Jing

Methods and Technology


Novel release techniques of northern bobwhite quail Colinus virginianus chicks, Randy D. Cass, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll

Using camera traps to estimate population densities with unidentifiable individuals: An example with the great argus pheasant Argusianus argus in Sumatra, Nurul L. Winarni, Jeffrey J. Thompson, Timothy G. O'Brien, Margaret F. Kinnaird, and John P. Carroll

Measuring northern bobwhite quail Colinus virginianus productivity: A holistic approach, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, William E. Palmer, Shane D. Wellendorf, and John P. Carroll

The politics of biodiversity, Elliot Morley
