Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version

April 1991


Nebraska is a major agricultural state. Nebraska ranks first in the nation in number of cattle on feed and fed cattle marketed, second in cash receipts from all livestock marketing, first in production of Great Northern beans, popcorn and alfalfa meal, and third in corn production. Agriculture is important to the state's economy. Some economists project that one-half of Nebraska workers depend on agriculture and the many related industries for their employment. The annual value of agricultural production in Nebraska is more than 8 billion dollars. Agriculture and wildlife damage problems often go hand-in-hand. We have problems in agricultural situations with native coyotes, prairie dogs, pocket gophers, and ground squirrels, and with the imported starlings, house sparrows, and commensal rodents (Norway rats and house mice). Other animals including several game species cause agricultural damage at times. A variety of animals ranging from snakes and woodpeckers to bats and skunks are nuisances occasionally for homeowners. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension plays an important educational role in helping Nebraskans handle these problems in an effective, safe and appropriate manner.
