Great Plains Studies, Center for



Date of this Version

Summer 1999

Document Type



Great Plains Quarterly Vol. 19, No. 3, Summer 1999, pp. 230-31.


Copyright 1999 by the Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Wind River Adventures: My Life in Frontier Wyoming. By Edward J. Farlow

Back in the Saddle Again: New Essays on the Western. Edited by Edward Buscombe and Roberta E. Pearson

A Guide to the Indian Wars of the West. By John D. McDermott

Growing Up in Manitoba, 1924-1941. By Harold H. Draper

Comanches and Mennonites on the Oklahoma Plains: A. J. and Magladena Becker and the Post Oak Mission. By Marvin E. Kroeker

The Law Comes to Texas: The Texas Rangers, 1870-1901. By Frederick Wilkins

Sweetie Ladd's Historic Fort Worth. Paintings by Sweetie Ladd

Massacre Along the Medicine Road: A Social History of the Indian War of 1864 in Nebraska Territory. By Ronald Becher

African-American Ody ssey: The Stewarts, 1853- 1963. By Albert S. Broussard

Sketches from the Five States of Texas. By A. C. Greene

Texas Sky. By Wyman Meinzer
