Great Plains Studies, Center for
Date of this Version
Deriving from a workshop held in 2005, this book brings together much of the work being done on chickadees and titmice in North America. Seventeen chapters by leading North American parid biologists address the neurobiology and endocrinology of spatial behavior and food caching, photoperiodism, timing of reproduction, phylogeography, hybridization, demography, dominance and fitness, vocalizations, landscape ecology, and winter social behavior. The chapters, in general well written and clearly presented, offer something to anyone interested in these topics (although most authors rarely draw parallels to taxa beyond the other parids). Those who study this group of birds or even other temperate latitude birds with similar ecology and behavior will find the book valuable.
Published in Great Plains Studies 19.1 (Spring 2009): 134-135. © 2009 Copyright by the Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.