Great Plains Studies, Center for


Date of this Version

Spring 1999


Published in Great Plains Research 9 (Spring 1999). Copyright © 1999 The Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Used by permission.


This collection of fifteen papers-lively, diverse and (for the most part) mercifully concise-derives from a December 1996 conference in Regina on the role and future of Saskatchewan's crown corporations. Arguably the most qualified jurisdiction in North America to host such a conference, Saskatchewan is well represented in these pages, though the papers by no means limit themselves to the experience of this province. Nor do they confine themselves to the broad subject of public enterprise. Participants came from most regions of Canada, while the keynote speaker, David Heald, added a British/European perspective to the proceedings. Included among the participants were seven academics, two public opinion pollsters, two former public office holders, and four others, each representing, respectively, a broad-based public interest group, a privately funded think-tank, organized labor, and the business community. The occasion afforded each contributor the opportunity to range far and wide over the vast terrain of policy issues and options facing public sector enterprise today.
