Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-2019

Document Type



Siebert, Co., Eesley, M., Shiu, C. S., Newkirk, M., DeMers, J., & Vavak, J. (2019). A Strategic Analysis of the Nebraska Alumni Association. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Colton Siebert, Michael Eesley, Conrad Shiu, Melissa, Newkirk, Joshua DeMers, and Jeb Vavak 2019.


The Nebraska Alumni Association (NAA) is in a unique position regarding where it fits in the lives of the people it serves and the potential growth of their programs. Being separate from the University system, yet still driven by mission to help the university grow, has given the association several advantages as to being able to act in an agile manner. However, only 24,000 of the over 200,000 University of Nebraska-Lincoln alumni have paid to become a part of the Nebraska Alumni Association. This is shocking, and we believe that our recommendations can turn the tide through engagement of the Millennial and Generation Z target groups. The trend is that membership directly correlates to the excitement level of the Husker football and other sports teams. Our recommendations play to this strength by offering child care during football games, but our main focus is driving engagement with families by giving them a value proposition that rids them of the “my family keeps me from being involved” excuse. Based on our research and analysis, we have created a Future Huskers program that, if implemented, could grow the membership and member involvement of the Nebraska Alumni Association.
