Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-18-2020

Document Type



Praeuner, Lauren. 2020. "Encapsulating Educational Design for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder." Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Lauren Praeuner 2020.


This paper is a thesis/creative project hybrid split into two parts. First, it examines different aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the symptoms experienced by those on the spectrum, and the guidelines that parents, medical professionals, and educators should follow to ensure a holistic approach to the care and education of children with autism. The text also notes some of the considerations that designers should review when designing educational facilities for these individuals, as well as few precedents that successfully do so. The second part of the paper presents my team’s architectural studio project, contributed to by UNL students Lindsay Meyer, Hannah Ridder, Matt Gager, and myself for our DSGN 410 Design Studio: Collaborate course. Overall, this paper makes the argument that proper design can solve many of the issues that educators and medical professionals face in terms of the education and care of children with autism.
