Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-30-2018

Document Type



Briggs, A. (2018) Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology to Enhance Conservation Biology Research. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Ann Briggs 2018


This study examined the most effective ways to utilize unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for wildlife conservation. More specifically, a UAV platform was created that can perform multiple data collection tasks by utilizing interchangeable modules. The prototype produced in this study has the capability to perform many tasks through the use of interchangeable modules. These tasks include, but are not limited to aerial surveys and collection of biological samples. This innovative technology will provide invaluable assistance to conservation efforts by reducing research and subject injury or death while maximizing efficiency. The modular design of the prototype was developed for retail to major UAV manufacturers and individual researchers.

By utilizing a remotely operated system, biologists will be able to collect data in more remote areas, cover a larger area in the same amount of time, and have a safer distance between themselves and potentially harmful wildlife. A modular design will limit the amount of individual supplies needed for multiple samplings.

This modular UAV system helps to extend current research done in remote locations, protects researchers working with dangerous wildlife, and provides a more effective and efficient method of data collection.
