Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-9-2022

Document Type



Zucco, Madison. Settler Colonialism and the Movement Towards Indigenous Forest Sovereignty. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2022.


Copyright Madison Zucco 2022.


This research paper examines the historical and political implications of settler colonialism on Indigenous nations in forested areas around the world. Through a thorough analysis of the Haida First Nation, Pacheedaht First Nation, and the Sámi people, it is argued that settler colonial legislation systematically and intentionally separated Indigenous people and their knowledge from forested areas. Since then, shared management protocols have been implemented to amend racist and environmentally degrading legislation on forested land, but are limited in their effect to reconcile the settler colonial legal system. The only true way to reconcile the settler colonial structure in place that degrades Indigenous nations and their forests is through full Indigenous forest sovereignty.
