Honors Program


Date of this Version

Winter 3-11-2022

Document Type



Monhollon, Regan. Hand Sanitizer Production Distribution Analysis. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2022.


Copyright Regan Monhollon 2022.


This work is a brief report on the areas reached and the monetary value of the materials produced and distributed by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Hand Sanitizer Production Project in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This project was able to produce approximately 190,000 gallons of hand sanitizer, totaling a minimum commercial value of $15 million and an estimated peak commercial value of $166 million that would be distributed both in and out of the State of Nebraska.

This report contains the calculations used to estimate the worth of the hand sanitizer produced shortly before, during the peak, and near the end of the pandemic. From the volume of product produced, there are also calculations on the maximum number of standard 3ml application provided by the project and how long UNL can expect the reserved hand sanitizer stockpile to last under specific conditions.

Thank you to the State of Nebraska, multiple Nebraska companies, the Nebraska Ethanol Board, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The UNL Food Processing Center, crowdfunding efforts, and many others, for supporting this project to aid hospitals, healthcare facilities, emergency medical services, the Nebraska University system, Federal and Local government, local public schools, and essential businesses both in and out of Nebraska. Thank you to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Engineering for allowing me to participate in this effort to provide relief during this difficult and unprecedented time.
