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Steele, M. 2024. Sarcopenia and the Importance of Resistance Training and Protein-Rich Diets for Prevention of Muscle Loss in Older Adults: A Literature Review and Informational Pamphlet. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Madison Steele 2024.


The growing prevalence of sarcopenia among older adults as well as youths has prompted further research aimed at developing effective preventative measures and treatment plans. Sarcopenia is often thought to occur solely due to aging, but several other factors contribute to progressive muscle loss. Previous research studies have found an effect of physical activity and dietary protein levels on the risk of developing sarcopenia as well as its onset age. This study aims to review existing knowledge in the field to compile an extensive list of sarcopenia causes and methods of prevention. The main causes identified in this review are the natural aging process, physical inactivity, and inadequate protein intake. The preventative measures discussed in this review include increasing awareness, resistance training, and protein-rich diets in the general population, but especially in older adults. Future research is needed to determine the extent of the combined effect of these attempts to delay or reverse sarcopenia symptoms. A condensed version of this review was also developed into an informational pamphlet as a tool to spread knowledge about sarcopenia in hopes of reducing the prevalence of this condition in society.
