Honors Program


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Fanning, A. 2019. Ordered Growth of Ferroelectric Diisopropylammonium-Bromide Microcrystals through Slotted-Jar Growth and Lithographically Controlled Wetting. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Andrew J. Fanning 2019.


Organic molecular ferroelectrics show promise for industry applications because of their switchable high spontaneous polarization value, mechanical flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Since these materials, namely diisopropylammonium bromide, exhibit ferroelectricity only in tandem with a high level of crystallinity, novel methods must be explored in order to ensure that high levels of crystallinity are achieved. This project seeked to perfect the methods of Slotted Jar Growth and Lithographically Controlled Wetting (LCW). Slotted Jar Growth uses temperature driven solution saturation to grow crystals on a desired substrate. LCW drives the growth of microscopic diisopropylammonium bromide crystals, in their ferroelectric phase, through the use of cohesive forces and capillary action. The goal of ordered growth was achieved through the LCW method, as long range order of the crystals’ polar axes was observed and consistent crystal dimensions were confirmed.
