U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


Date of this Version


Document Type



Molecular Ecology Resources (2012) 12, 1145–1150; doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12017


Recent advances in technology facilitated development of large sets of genetic markers for many taxa, though most often model or domestic organisms. Cross-species application of genomic technologies may allow for rapid marker discovery in wild relatives of taxa with well-developed resources. We investigated returns from cross-species application of three commercially available SNP chips (the OvineSNP50, BovineSNP50 and EquineSNP50 BeadChips) as a function of divergence time between the domestic source species and wild target species. Across all three chips, we observed a consistent linear decrease in call rate (~1.5% per million years), while retention of polymorphisms showed an exponential decay. These results will allow researchers to predict the expected amplification rate and polymorphism of cross-species application for their taxa of interest, as well as provide a resource for estimating divergence times.
