Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at the University of Nebraska


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6th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking 2014, October 9-11, 2014, Lincoln, NE


Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Brandt.


The goal of this paper is to determine the efficacy of anti-trafficking governance in Senegal and Ghana and what social, political, legal and economic factors work for or against those policies such as: - social policies for and against the growth of the NGO community - enforcement of anti-trafficking laws - economic policies for impoverished urban and rural communities - government rehabilitation policies for minors - federal, state and local corruption - border security/immigration - religious and political freedom This research comprises a comprehensive literature analysis as to the current state of trafficking of minors in Ghana and Senegal. First hand research will be conducted in Ghana and Senegal after the presentation of this research with NGO representatives of anti-trafficking organizations, Senegalese and Ghanaian government and law enforcement officials, and U.S. government officials. Ultimately though, this presentation will explain the present state of the trafficking of minors and Ghana and Senegal. It will present its viewers with preliminary analyses of the efficacy of government policies and the effect of NGOs on the trafficking of minors. Finally, it will compare and contrast Senegalese and Ghanaian anti-trafficking efforts making policy recommendations to both countries.

Download button links to pdf file; PowerPoint slides are attached below.

Trafficking in Child Labor in Ghana and Senegal.pptx (3966 kB)
PowerPoint slides (22)
