Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at the University of Nebraska


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Presented at Second Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 2010. Copyright 2010 Ijeoma Okoronkwo.


•The area of this study is the south east zone of Nigeria, comprising of five states –Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo states. Abiastate is bounded by Akwaibomstate , Rivers and Cross river state in the South South zone, Imo and Ebonyistate in the south east zone
•Imo is integrated and bounded all the south eastern states, Enugu is bounded by Benue state in the north central zone, Ebonyistate is bounded by cross river state, within 80 km to the boundary of Cameroun
•Population of this study is made up 200 pregnant teenager victims of human trafficking rescued by NAPTIP in its activities in the south east zone of Nigeria
•Design is demography
•Sample and sampling study of 200 teenagers
•Sampling technique is purposive, though the sample population is located in Enugu state, it is a balanced representation of the five states of the south east.
•The respondents are victims rescued from different states in the area under study
•Limitation of the study:% of the state of origin may be faulty, especially due to penchant for falsehood on the part of the respondents to conceal their identity.
•Generalization of the study; this study is conducted in the five states of the south east, Nigeria but their findings may be generalized.
•Purpose of the study; to identify the push and pull factors behind the emerging trend of sales of babies and how the trafficking in persons (prohibition )law enforcement and administration act (2003)addresses the crime.

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