Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for
Date of this Version
Conservationists and wildlife managers often look for the silver bullet in dealing with human–wildlife conflicts. While most in this profession would agree there is no silver bullet, a great amount of financial and scientific emphasis has been placed on the technology of contraceptives for wildlife to appease the victims of damage caused by wildlife and the public at large. With increasing frequency, general public opinion of what should be done to solve wildlife damage oft en weighs heavier than the feelings and perspective of the actual victim. Agriculturists oft en find themselves at odds with general public opinion because agriculturists need the space and resources on their property, leased property, or public lands to maintain a successful business. The general public views wildlife existing on these lands as having nowhere else to go, and laws are passed to ensure their safety and protection from those who would otherwise reduce wildlife population numbers. Unfortunately for the investors and scientists promoting contraceptives as the new cure to wildlife damage problems, they are going to find a staunch opponent in agriculturists worldwide.
Published in Human-Wildlife Conflicts Volume 1, Number 1, Page 12, Spring 2007. Published and copyright by the Jack H. Berryman Institute. http://www.berrymaninstitute.org/journal/index.html