Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version



Published in Human-Wildlife Conflicts Volume 2, Number 1, Pages 3–4, Spring 2008. Published and copyright by Jack H. Berryman Institute. http://www.berrymaninstitute.org/journal/index.html


The Daily Globe of Ironwood, Michigan, reported on a new Wisconsin regulation that went into effect on October 1, 2007. People who feed deer for non-hunting purposes are required to stop doing so for at least 30 days if bear or elk begin using the site. Deer-feeding currently is banned in 26 Wisconsin counties. The amount and location where bait or feed may be distributed is regulated in all of the other counties in the state. This new regulation is aimed at protecting homeowners, motorists, and the small but growing elk herd by reducing disease transmission, automobile collisions, and other human–wildlife conflicts with bear and elk.
