U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


HOUSE FINCHES (LINNETS) Carpodacus mexicanus

Jerry P. Clark, Primary Staff Biologist, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, California 95814
Scott E. Hygnstrom, Extension Wildlife Damage Specialist, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583

Document Type Article


House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus), also known as linnets, are about the same size as house sparrows. House finches are abundant residents throughout the western United States and Mexico. The house finch is most abundant in the warm valleys of California near cultivated lands. House finches are primarily seed eaters, and before the introduction of cultivated fruits, they probably lived largely on weed seeds. House finches nest in a great variety of places. House finches peck and feed on practically all deciduous fruits, berries, grains, vegetable seed, and flower seed. House finches are classified as migratory nongame birds in the Code of Federal Regulations.