U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service



Date of this Version

September 2007




Wildlife Services: Vision and Strategic Goals
Spotlight on NWRC Rice Research
Blackbird Damage
History of Rice Research
NWRC Realigns Research Programs
WS Partners with Chinese Scientists to Study Role of Wildlife as Carriers of Avian Influenza
Rodent Control Collaboration at Army Training Area
NWRC Field Station Assists University of Hawaii Anthropology Department
Developing Methods & Providing Wildlife Services
EPA Registers Oral Contraceptive for Pigeons
New DRC-1339 “Take” Models Available for Use
Oregon and Washington Register a New Forest Pest Management Tool
Researchers Present Method for Permitted Take of Migratory Birds
New HPCL Analytical Method Developed for Warfarin
WS Begins Efforts to Remove the Invasive Gambian Giant Pouched Rat in Florida
NWRC’s Avian Influenza Diagnostic Lab Analyzes Over 50,000 Samples
Bird Banding Data Used to Develop Prioritized Avian Influenza Sampling Protocols
NWRC Scientists Participate in Avian Influenza Training in Cambodia
Avian Influenza Samples to be Stored at NWRC
Oral Rabies Vaccination Program
Managing Vertebrate Invasive Species Symposium a Great Success
WS Records Trapping History
Valuing and Investing in People
