Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for
Date of this Version
September 1968
I had three basic ideas. One: that we were talking about bird management, not bird control. This is a recurrent theme through all four of our conferences I think. We're saying secondly that spot control, taking care of this problem at this place with this specific technique, is important and we need more tools; but we need to look at the larger aspect of the environment, the population, and its relationship—an ecological approach. Thirdly, communication, whether it be with the general public or specific interest groups or among this group of professionals involved in bird management, is important; and we need to find new avenues and new vehicles. This seems to me to be the essence of some of the things we have been asking for the last three days. This brings us to the end. The conference would not have been possible had it not been for a great many people. A number of long, hard-working graduate students here at Bowling Green have suffered and have taken time (while I've been trotting around the world) to handle details. They have functioned here at the conference working in the background. Dave Schneider will have much of the burden of editing the Proceedings and getting it into print. In addition I should cite the cooperation of Phil Spear, the NPCA, Fish and Wildlife Service personnel, the assistance of our conference bureau here at the University, and most of all the cooperation of yourselves. You've been a most attentive audience. I must say that this is the first conference that I've been to in a long time where nobody went to sleep. This is unusual, and I think it indicates something in terms of both the speakers and your concern for the subject.