Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for
Date of this Version
Proceedings Ninth Bird Control Seminar, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, October 4-6, 1983. Ed. William B. Jackson and Beth Jackson Dodd
In order to improve control methods that imply giving any drug, repellent, or chemosterilant through food, we need to know where and how to offer the feeding opportunities to maximize the number of birds to be treated. Because of heavy snow cover in the winter in Quebec, spring-feeding flocks of red-winged blackbirds are predicted to be more attracted to corn fields than non-corn fields and more attracted to feeding sites where corn stems were left over from the preceding fall or where perches near the feeding stations are available. Multivariate analysis confirmed the trends predicted for 30 feeding sites. Other vegetation or structure parameters as well as feeder types were analyzed to predict higher frequencies of visits and increased numbers of birds at several experimental sites.
Copyright (c) 1983 André Cyr, Carmelle Leroux, and Jean-Marie Bergeron