Industrial and Management Systems Engineering


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Report to Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Institutional Leadership Program (a major initiative supported by the Carnegie Foundation)


In 2006, the Peer Review of Teaching Project at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was selected to join the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Institutional Leadership Program. Our participation in this national leadership program (“Expanding the Teaching Commons: A social and technical infrastructure to promote and support effective learning & student success, through teacher community collaborations to develop, adapt, share and mobilize pedagogical content knowledge, exemplary practices, and shared resources.”) allowed us to engage a broad audience to help define, develop, refine, and share the models and approaches of our project. The combined group effort for the schools in our program has been the development of a prototype online archive of SOTL research work for which we have shared exemplars of UNL’s campus work. The project concluded in October 2009 at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) conference in Bloomington, Indiana. This report is our cluster's final report summarizing our activities.
