Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Published in Insecta Mundi Vol. 2, no. 2, June 1988. Copyright © 1988 Frank.

Insecta Mundi, published by the Center for Systematic Entomology, is available online at


Generic, subgeneric, specific, subspecific, and inlra-subspecific names in Paederus (sensu lato) are compiled alphabetically with literature references, showing that 622 specific names stand in the literature as valid. Five replacement names are required due to homonymy: Paederus cumanus Frank [nom. nou. for Paederus bicolor Wendeler nec Olivier], Paederus sulawesi Frank [nom. nov. for Paederus melanocephlus Heller nec Fabricius], Paederus zairensis Frank [nom. nov. for Paederus orophilus Fagel nec Paederidus brunnescens orophilus (Fagel)], Paederus irianensis Frank [nom. nou. for Paederus litoreus Last nec Paederus littoreus Austin], and Oreopaederus manyemensis Frank [nom. nm. for Oreopaederus ater (Bernhauer) nec Paederidus rubrothoracicus ater (Eichler)]. Four unjustified replacement names (Paederus archeus Blackwelder, Paederus homonymus Blackwelder, Paederus erichsoni Wollaston, and Paederus samoensis Fauvel) are here attributed to their respective senior synonyms (Paederus elongatus Wendeler, Paederus tricolor Erichson, Paederus angolensis Erichson, and Paederus vitiensis Fauvel).

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