"Distribution of <i>Abacion texense</i> (Loomis, 1937), the only millip" by Chris T. McAllister and Rowland M. Shelley

Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


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Published in Insecta Mundi 0124: 1-8. Published in 2010 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O. Box 141874, Gainesville, FL 32614-1874 U. S. A. http://www.centerforsystematicentomology.org/


Localities are documented for the milliped Abacion texense (Loomis, 1837) (Callipodida: Abacionidae) whose distribution forms both the northern and southern ordinal limits in the Western Hemisphere. The westernmost component of Abacion Rafinesque, 1820, A. texense is the only milliped species whose range spans the Mississippi and Pecos rivers and the Rio Grande. Distribution extremes are in Hennepin County (Co.), Minnesota, in the north; Terrell and Potter cos., Texas, in the west; Alcorn Co., Mississippi, in the east; and southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the south. Occurrences are projected for southeastern South Dakota, northwestern Alabama, and the southwestern periphery of Tennessee. The type series of A. texense consists solely of the male holotype, so a neotype will be needed if this individual is ever lost, because no paratypes were officially designated.

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