U.S. Joint Fire Science Program
Date of this Version
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Final Report for JFSP Project 10-S-01-2
The 2010 Western Mensurationists’ Conference in Missoula, MT, drew together forest scientists and land managers with primary expertise in the measurement and modeling of forest resources. The meeting provided an opportunity to focus the collective technical expertise of this group on crossdisciplinary conifer crown modeling issues that are of increasing importance to existing and emerging forest management strategies in western North America. Thus, a special invited session on conifer crown modeling results and opportunities was added to the conference agenda together with a participatory workshop on crown modeling needs and challenges. Funding was provided by the Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) to offset travel costs for invited speakers. As a result, four highly recognized scientists were brought to the 2010 meeting to discuss conifer crown modeling results and strategies motivated by applications ranging from fuels management to tree growth prediction to wood quality control. The JFSP-supported conference components (invited session and subsequent workshop) attracted scientists and land managers from 18 states and provinces, greatly diversifying the attendance of a typically more western-centric meeting. JFSP support also helped secure further financial contributions for the conference from the Society of American Foresters’ A1 Working Group. The JFSP-supported crown modeling components of the conference identified parallel lines of research from different disciplines and regions, as well as opportunities for collaboration and crossfertilization. These outcomes are being summarized in a synthesis paper for peer-review publication. The crown modeling presentations and discussions also had direct relevance to two ongoing JFSP supported research projects (10-1-02-10 and 10-1-02-13).
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