U.S. Joint Fire Science Program



Date of this Version


Document Type



Project Active ID: 04-4-1-34


U.S. Government Work


Task 1 – Organize a technical advisory team and host an initial workshop to explore methods for integrating FRAMES, TTRS, and ESFS websites.

Task 2 – Identify and acquire data, tools, and publications from funded JFSP and NFP projects working with the JFSP and NFP project databases and principal investigators. Also, when possible identify and acquire data and tools used and created by others in the wildland fire community including state agencies, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

Task 3 – Develop and post online FGDC metadata records for all datasets from funded JFSP and NFP projects as well as key state information

Task 4 – Expand the Encyclopedia of Southern Fire Science

Task 5 – Identify, acquire, house and index publications from southeast region JFSP and NFP funded projects and key regional literature, incorporating the index into the TTRS Database

Task 6 – Develop and provide access to a thesaurus and key words about fire science and management

Task 7- Science Application and Delivery – Develop a strategy to extend the SFP technology and information to key individuals and communities.
