Journalism and Mass Communications, College of


Date of this Version

Spring 5-22-2015

Document Type



Shipp, S. P. (2015, April 22). Crisis Communication in an International Organization: An Investigation of the BBC’s Reputation in the Aftermath of the Savile Scandal


Professional Project, College of Journalism & Mass Communications, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015. Committee: Dane Kiambi (Chair), Valerie Jones, Bryan Wang.

Copyright (c) 2015 Stephanie P. Shipp


In October 2012, it was revealed that BBC television host Jimmy Savile had sexually abused victims on the premises of the BBC. The first reported instance of abuse on BBC premises had occurred and 1965 and continued until two years before his death. In the aftermath of the scandal, the BBC was accused of turning a blind eye to Savile's actions. The BBC's response to the crisis was confusing and inept. The BBC appeared to have no crisis communication strategy in place and lacked any sort of variation in its response to stakeholders in individual countries. This paper discusses the differences in the media expectations to the BBC's response in the aftermath of the Savile scandal. Sources in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States were examined through content and textual analyses.

Committee: Dane Kiambi (Chair), Valerie Jones, Bryan Wang.
