Journalism and Mass Communications, College of


Document Type


Date of this Version

Winter 1-15-2016


Bernard R. McCoy. "Digital Distractions in the Classroom Phase II: Student Classroom Use of Digital Devices for Non-Class Related Purposes" Journal of Media Education Vol. 7 Iss. 1 (2016) p. 5 - 32


Published in the January 15, 2016, Journal of Media Education. Copyright (c) 2016 Journal of Media Education


A 2015 survey of American college students examined classroom learning distractions caused by the use of digital devices for non-class purposes. The purpose of the study was to learn more about Millennial Generation students’ behaviors and perceptions regarding their classroom uses of digital devices for non-class purposes. The survey included 675 respondents in 26 states. Respondents spent an average of 20.9% of class time using a digital device for non-class purposes. The average respondent used a digital device 11.43 times for non-class purposes during a typical school day in 2015 compared to 10.93 times in 2013. A significant feature of the study was its measurement of frequency and duration of students’ classroom digital distractions as well as respondents’ motivations for engaging in the distracting behavior.
