Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version


Document Type



2009 Pro>Active Publications


Journal ofWomen in Educational Leadership, Vol. 7, No. I-January 2009 ISSN: 1541-6224


My pathway to leadership has been long and winding and I have, at times, approached that path hesitantly and with trepidation. I, like many women of my generation, did not visualize myself as a leader in my younger years. I believed that because I was basically shy and introverted, I would never possess the qualities that I believed were necessary for leadership. In the 1950s of my childhood, leaders were men, with few exceptions. At least, those people officially designated as leaders in that society were men. It has only been through experience, maturity and education that I have recog- nized my talents and realized my potential. Without a doubt, raising four children forced me to develop skills and abilities I did not previously pos- sess. Being active in the schools and my community forced me to confront my shyness and find ways to engage and communicate with others. Return- ing to school for my Master's degree opened up a whole new world ofpossi- bilities for me, even as my youngest child was leaving the nest. And finally what I have learned through my doctoral program during the past five years has cemented for me the certainty that leadership opportunities exist for me in the future.
