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Bangladeshis largely the agriculture based country where a variety of crops and vegetables are cultivated all the year round. The environment is propitious enough for agriculture. About 50% people of this country are directly and indirectly engaged with the agro based jobs. The contribution of agricultural sector to GDP is 18.70%. In this regard, if it is possible to provide the right farmers with the right information by the right way, the success will be definite. Different mass media plays an important role to disseminate agricultural information. Television is one of the most popular electronic media among the natives of this country for news and information. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze the contribution of various TV channels on the dissemination of agricultural information for the farmers for their agricultural enrichment. Findings indicate a positive curve towards the dependency on and contribution of TV channels. The study was conducted on three villages of Durgapur Thana in Rajshahi district of Bangladesh.
