Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Swanson, Todd Paul. (2014). PREMIS-Lite, a Preservation Metadata Generator. Library Philosophy and Practice.
Digital preservation is without question an important, if not essential, facet of our now digital society. Implementing a digital preservation strategy is crucial to ensuring the longevity and sustained usability of digital content. The importance of digital preservation is not limited to large-scale institutions and organizations, but also extends to private individuals and small-scale businesses.
PREMIS is currently the international preservation metadata standard. The objective of PREMIS was to identify and create a wide ranging and implementable set of "core" preservation metadata elements while following the recommendations of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model. However, the depth and complexity of that coverage can be confusing and discourage its potential use.
Using the PREMIS standard as a model this project creates a “PREMIS-Lite” xml preservation metadata generator. This PREMIS-Lite XML generator and its supporting PREMIS-Lite semantic unit definition, user guide, and crosswalk combine to allow for the simple capture and creation of preservation metadata at the object level.
PREMIS_lite.html (9 kB)
PREMIS_Lite_xmlExample.xml (3 kB)
metadata_project_example.pdf (2713 kB)