Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-29-2014





Scientometric is branch of Science. Scientometric explain about input and output resources in term of organisational structure. Scientometric is the Science of measuring and analyzing Science. Modern Scientometric is mostly based on the work of Derek Solla Price and Eugene Garfield. This paper critically analyses 316 scholarly communications published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Bio-Physics. Indian Journal of Bio-Chemistry and Bio-Physics, formerly known as IJBB. It is a peer reviewed, open access bio-monthly Journal published by NISCAIR. The analysis cover mainly the number of articles, form of document cited, most cited Journals etc. Study reveals that single author contributed 18 (5.7%) while the rest of 162 (51.3%) articles were contributed by Multi authors. The contributions in this Journal from India are slightly more than those from the other countries. The objectives of this study to assist the collection development in order to fulfil the needs of scientists and research scholars in the field of science and technology.
