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A Bibliometric Sketch on Environmental Science Literature with special reference to India’s Scenario
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The present paper is prepared with the purpose to assess the publication trends of scholarly articles in the field of Environmental Sciences that are published in 75 Journals indexed under Science Direct Database during the period 2004 to 2010. It examines and presents an analysis of 645 research papers with a focus on Indian scenario. The study takes note scientifically from various angles such as: growth of literature, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, geographical distribution of publications, distribution by journal, citation pattern, and ranking pattern etc. The study reveals that ‘USA’ as the most productive country among 67 participative nations and recognized ‘Trends in Ecology & Evolution’ (TEE) as highly productive journal amongst 75 journals undertaken for this study. The authors sincerely hope that the study may contribute to the domain of Library and Information Science as well as Environmental Science research in many ways