Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This research on ethical usage of internet facility by the students of information science, Jimma University has been conducted in order to find out the ethical attitude of information science students towards usage of internet facilities, ethical advantage students had gained through the usage of internet facilities and to find out the websites they were using in the computer laboratories. Cross Sectional Survey Method was used for conducting the study. Primary and secondary data collection methods were used in this research. The instruments for data collections were observations, interviews and questionnaires and a descriptive analysis has been used for interpretation of data. Results show that ethical violations of internet happened in the night session of computer laboratory. They need to improve the ethical behavior and skill since some of the students were not ethical while using internet facilities. Saving time, paving ways for using academic or education sites and improving learning skills were some of the advantages of ethical usage of internet facilities. However lack of responsibilities while digging or using internet facility is the leading problem or obstacle to the department of information science. Some of the reasons were lack of ethical courses, shortage of panel discussion on the issues and club participation in lower classes. Students mostly use the search engines like Google, Ask, Yahoo, YouTube and so on which is followed by the social media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+). Based on the research findings, several suggestions for improvements are given at the end.
