"India’s Science and Technology output, 1989-2014: A Scientometric An" by Rudramuni Hiremath Mr, Gouri N. Gourikeremath Miss et al.

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The present study determines the extent of India’s Publication growth in Science and Technology. The data was extracted from the Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science for the period 1989-2014. The study covers a year wise growth of Science and Technology publications; Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Doubling Time (DT), Activity Index (AI) of different countries; international collaboration, productive Indian Institutes, prolific authors in Science and Technology field. The results reveal that (i) India’s publication effort in Science and Technology research corresponds to the world’s average (ii) The USA topped the list among the highly productive countries with 4, 32,093 publications (iii) The highest number of publications were published by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (4,117 publications) (iv) Among the journals preferred, Current Science (India) ranked first with 14,245 publications etc.

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