Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examined the corporate social responsibility intervention in the development of digital libraries in the universities of developing countries. It specifically investigated the challenges facing the MTN Foundation Digital Libraries in the universities in Nigeria and strategies that will engender their effective operation. The research design used for this study was descriptive survey design. A questionnaire titled Evaluation of MTNF Digital Libraries Questionnaire (EMTFDLQ) was designed and used for data collection. Responses were analysed using mean scores and percentages which are presented in tables. Findings show that Corporate Social Responsibility has provided vital impetus to the development of digital libraries in Nigeria. However, time allowed for the usage of the digital libraries, low bandwidth, non-allowance of storage device, system break down are challenges affecting the effectiveness and relevance of the digital libraries. At UNN specifically, the highest challenge is inadequate power supply. Repairs of broken down systems, good governance, cordial relationship between staff and users, functional generator, improve bandwidth, provision of more workstations, allowance of storage devices for download, update of database subscription and creation of awareness of the digital libraries are adoptable strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and relevance of the resources and services of the digital libraries.
